2020 Program
Fifth Human Single-Neuron Recordings Conference and Workshop 2020
Location: Virtual (Zoom)
Date and time: November 13, 2020. Starts 8am PST, ends at 3pm PST.
2020 program committee: Ueli Rutishauser (Cedars-Sinai/Caltech), Gabriel Kreiman (Harvard), Richard Andersen (Caltech), Ralph Adolphs (Caltech), Nanthia Suthana (UCLA).
Program (all times are PST)
8.00-8.05 Welcome & Overview
Keynote Talk
8.05-8.45 Keynote Talk (30min, 10min Q&A): Elizabeth Buffalo (UW). "Time, Space, and Memory in the Primate Hippocampus"
Special feature – NIH BRAIN initiative
8.45-9.05 NIH BRAIN Initiative and ROH program (15min, 5min Q&A). John Ngai (BRAIN initiative), Karen David (NINDS), Jim Gnadt (NINDS)
Session 1 (15min talks, 5 min Q&A)
9.05-9.20 Ashley Feinsinger (UCLA). "What's the value of participant engagement in basic human neuroscience?"
9.25-9.40 Kareem Zaghloul (NIH NINDS). "Replay of cortical spiking sequences during episodic memory retrieval"
10.00-10.15 Christof Koch (Allen Institute). "Morphological, electrical and transcriptional characterization of human neocortical supragranular pyramidal neurons"
10.20-10.35 Yuval Nir (Tel Aviv University). "Auditory processing in sleep and anesthesia: insights from single-neuron human studies"
10.40-10.55 Krishna Shenoy (Stanford University). "Cortical basis of speech and handwriting in humans for neural interfaces"
Session 2 – New Technology (10min talks)
11.00-11.10 Nanthia Suthana (UCLA). "Recording single neurons in the human brain during naturalistic behaviors"
11.10-11.20 Mikhail Shapiro (Caltech). "Ultrasonic Imaging and Control of Neural Activity"
11.20-11.30 Q&A for Session 2
Session 3 – Memory and computational methods
12.00-12.10 Lukas Kunz (Freiburg, Germany). "A neural code for egocentric spatial maps in the human medial temporal lobe"
12.10-12.20 Salman Qasim (Columbia). "Phase precession in the human hippocampus and entorhinal cortex".
12.20-12.30 Jie Zheng (Harvard). "Event boundaries shape episodic memory"
12.30-12.40 Gray Umbach (UT Southwestern). "Time cells in the human medial temporal lobe aid episodic memory"
12.40-12.50 Kanaka Rajan (Mt Sinai). "Inferring brainwide interactions using data-constrained neural network models"
12.50-13.00 Q&A for Session 3
Session 4 – Brain Machine Interface
13:20-13:30 Sofia Sakellaridi (Caltech). "Understanding learning mechanisms in the human motor system using brain-machine interface in patients with tetraplegia"
13:30-13:40 Angelica Herrera (U Pittsburgh). "Effect of object presence and grasp intention on M1 activity during planning and movement execution"
Session 5 – Decision making
13:40-13:50 Tomas Aquino (Caltech). "Correlating human vmPFC and amygdala neurons with value and uncertainty in the explore-exploit dilemma"
13:50:14:00 Habiba Azab (Baylor). "Algorithmic place cells in human hippocampus"
14:00-14:10 Clayton Mosher (Cedars-Sinai). "Distinct roles of dorsal and ventral subthalamic neurons in action selection and cancellation"
Session 6 – Epilepsy, and ex-vivo human slices
14:10-14:20 Meanhwan Kim (Allen Institute). "Molecular and genetic approaches for assaying human cell type synaptic connectivity"
14:20-14:30 Elliot Smith (U Utah). "Human interictal epileptiform discharges are traveling waves reflecting ictal self-organization"
14:30-14:50 Q&A for Sessions 4-6
14:50 Best talk given by a graduate student or postdoc HSN 2020 prize – one $500 award sponsored by Blackrock Microsystems Inc.
14:55 Closing thoughts