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Human Single-Neuron Meeting

We are proud to welcome you to the 5th International Meeting on Human single-neuron recordings, which will take place virtually on Friday November 13, 2020. This meeting will be an all-live event lasting approximately 7h, hosted on zoom, starting at 8am PST till 3pm PST (11am EST, 5pm European Central time).
This meeting is the successor to the previous four highly successful meetings (2011 at NYU, 2014 at Johns Hopkins, 2016 at Caltech, 2018 at Caltech).  Information about the previous meeting can be found on the Human Single Unit 2018 website.

As a result of the previous meetings, we published the edited book "Single Neuron Studies of the Human Brain - Probing Cognition" by MIT Press in 2014.
The purpose of this meeting is to bring together the key people working in the field to talk about progress, challenges, technologies, ethical implications, applications, hardware, software, scientific questions and clinical considerations. The focus is on microelectrode recordings enabled by neurosurgical procedures and how human neurophysiological recordings relate to advances in our understanding of neural circuit function in rodents and macaques. The focus will be on new discoveries made since our previous meeting. We anticipate that this virtual edition of the meeting will be an excellent opportunity to hear from both established and new investigators about the latest discoveries and developments in the field from both a scientific and technical perspective, including updates from the BRAIN initiative Research on Humans consortium.
We are soliciting proposals for short talks featuring exciting new results, techniques, or models broadly relevant to the field. The program committee will rate the submissions and select a subset of about 10 talks for oral presentation at the meeting. Criteria for evaluation are relevance to the meeting audience, novelty, robustness, and importance of the scientific insight and/or technique.  A link for submitting proposals will be posted here once available.

Click here for the program.